Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Spirit Contact Therapy
Past Life Regression involves the subject answering a series of questions while hypnotized to reveal identity and events of past life events. Many times there is a sense of sadness or anxiety associated with these experiences. Once addressed, the energy can be balanced, released and we can move on in the current incarnation with less karmic baggage.
Kevin Foresman facilitates a unique hypnosis therapy session that helps with habit and behavior modification, past life regression and spiritual contact and healing. Kevin combines his experience with energy healing, meditation and hypnosis in order to help clients overcome deep seated habitual thinking and behavior patterns. This technique is also effective at addressing past lives and their influence in our present lives in order to address past karmic events and energetic associations.
Spirit Contact: Angel, Guides & Lineage Influencers
Do you know who your spirit guides are? What is your spirit animal? Who are your guardian angels?
Could there be lineage influencers, relatives and ancestors, who passed into the afterlife long ago, but desire to be in contact with you in order to help you create and manifest your highest potential in this lifetime?
Are you receiving messages, repeating sequences of numbers, or sense a presence near you, but you don’t know how to communicate with them or how to interpret the messages? Are there other incidents that are happening, like someone is trying to get your attention, but you don’t know how to respond?
Spirit Contact Therapy uses hypnosis to establish contact with those who love, teach and guide you on the other side. You then communicate directly about your problems, soul callings and life directions. Sessions begin with a chakra balancing and energizing induction to expand your aura and attune you to the subtle vibrations that allow the reception of subjective awareness.
Spirit Contact connects with the clients spirit guides, guardian angels, ancestors, ascended masters, those who love, teach and guide you on the other side. Clients can then communicate directly to the Spirits about problems, soul callings and life directions. Sessions begin with a chakra balancing and energizing induction to expand your aura and attune you to the subtle vibrations that allow the reception of subjective awareness.
Each spirit guide hypnosis and guided meditation invokes a call for spiritual assistance. A relaxation process is followed by a chakra-balancing altered-state induction. Once your aura is fully charged, we request your spirit guide’s loving assistance, to be guided in attaining the wisdom to transcend restriction, making positive changes, as long as your assistance does not conflict with my karma or spiritual law.
Sessions are customized for each client according to their needs and include setting an intention for the session, the treatment, and a post discussion regarding the experience and next steps. We now provide In-Person sessions at our Enlumnia Energy Spa.

Kevin Foresman: CHt, Reiki Master, RHFP, MHSH
Kevin Foresman is an energy healer, certified hypnotherapist, mindfulness meditation trainer, intuitive psychic, reconnective healing foundational practitioner, and an ordained non-denominational minister. Kevin is passionate about helping his clients self heal energetically by providing a unique combination of healing energy work and spiritual life coaching. His energy healing technique involves being a pure open conduit or channel for source energy to flow through and into the energetic field of his clients, allowing them to release emotional blocks, relieve physical pain, attain deep levels of relaxation, balance and align chakra energy centers, and access higher levels of universal wisdom and personal success. Kevin’s method of energy healing is modern, direct and powerful. He also facilitates classes on mindfulness and meditation. Kevin is also an abstract fine art photographer at SeeUnSeeN.com.