Bravespace Meditation, Mindfulness, Collective Healing Music
Commissioned at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown, APAC spent almost three years collaborating with these musicians, artists, and cultural practitioners to vividly capture how an intensely challenging moment could lead to personal discovery and collective healing.
Bravespace, which received critical support from the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative, adds complexity to the greater landscape of meditation and healing arts tools by centering perspectives that have long been marginalized.Asian Pacific America is the story of a vibrant, diverse, and resilient set of communities that have been part of the American experience for more than two hundred years. It is the story of two continents and a constellation of islands joined by the migration, exchange, and competition of people and ideas. Yet, across museums and galleries in the nation’s capital and around the country, we find only fragments of America’s rich Asian Pacific heritage.
There are more than 23 million people of Asian or Pacific Islander descent in the United States. In less than 50 years, nearly one of every ten people in America will trace his or her heritage to Asia and the Pacific–a region that covers more than one third of the earth–including the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the Pacific. This region is also home to nearly half of the world’s population, natural life, nations, economies, major faiths and languages. America is—and has been—a Pacific Rim nation. Our understanding of America and America’s standing in the world is richer, more compelling, and more powerful when it includes the Asian Pacific American story. The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center serves as a dynamic national resource for discovering why the Asian Pacific American experience matters every day, everywhere, and all of the time.
Enlumnia® Energetic Health & Wellness features reiki, chakra balancing, massage, sound healing, past life regression, home energy cleansing, coaching and reiki classes. Our intuitive sessions are customized to help you balance and release stress, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, stuck or negative energy.
Reiki Masters Kevin & Lisa Foresman provide in person sessions at the studio in Dallas TX and online sessions via Zoom for anyone anywhere in the world.
Our energetic services are offered as in person, virtual or both versions with your choice of Reiki Master. Sessions are about 60 minutes including a brief consultation, the energy treatment, and post discussion.
Enhance and deepen your experience with add-on services to support your healing, including a chakra assessment, spiritual guidance, crystal bowl sound healing and oracle card reading. Choose your session below to learn more and schedule appointment.