Divine Blueprint: Quantum Human Design & Step Astrology

Explore Your Personal Roadmap Gifted from the Cosmos

Do you feel stuck, unsure of your purpose, or constantly battling to understand yourself better? The journey to self-discovery can be challenging, but the Divine Blueprint Reading is here to illuminate your path. If you’re experiencing frustration, confusion, or a sense of unfulfillment, a Divine Blueprint Reading can be the key to unlocking your true potential.

Start Your Divine Blueprint Journey for FREE with a Human Design Report:

What Can a Divine Blueprint Reading Do for Me?

Discover Your True Purpose

If you find yourself navigating through life without a clear sense of direction or purpose, a Divine Blueprint Reading can reveal insights into your unique gifts, life purpose and guide you toward a more fulfilling path.

Build More Aligned Relationships

Are relationships leaving you drained, or do you constantly feel on the verge of burnout? Understanding your energy type through Human Design can empower you to build healthier connections and manage your energy effectively, preventing overwhelm.

Learn How to Make the Best Decisions for You

Are decisions becoming a source of stress and indecision? Your Human Design Strategy,  Inner Authority and Planetary placements in your natal chart can provide a personalized guide for making choices aligned with your authentic self and right timing bringing clarity and confidence to your life.

Discover How You Manifest with Ease

Are you struggling with manifesting or lacking the energy to create? By the end of this reading, you will know how you are designed to best create and manifest and what you are good at manifesting. 

Explore Past Lives & Karmic Patterns

Do you experience unresolved fears and anxieties that keep you stuck in life? Learn what karma and old wounds you are here to heal and how to heal them. They are revealed in your natal chart. 

Are you ready to explore your Divine Blueprint? This is Key Information You NEED to Know!

There is no other person on the planet like you. You have a unique divine blueprint and are energetically designed to fulfill your life’s dreams. A Divine Blueprint reading will give you the cosmic view of your life’s journey and will help you get confirmations and clues about your past lives, who you are, and where you are going in life.

This knowledge is so amazing, inspiring and valuable! Having your personal roadmap to illuminate all the beautiful parts of who you are and how to heal karmic patterns will be the ultimate guide for you to create with more ease, fulfillment, love, abundance and joy in your life and in the world. 

What is the Divine Blueprint Reading?

The Divine Blueprint Reading is a unique hybrid session that explores your Quantum Human Design and Natal Chart’s Step Astrology to reveal the life you were born to live using your birth information. This reading will reveal the life you were born to live and how your energy system is designed to interface with the world around you helping you to create an authentic life with more vitality, grace and ease.

In your quantum human design reading you will discover your energetic type, strategy, inner authority, human design profile, soul purpose, life purpose, and life themes to manifest your most authentic life without burnout. Your natal chart’s step astrology reading will also shed light on your life purpose, career, relationships, anxieties, fears, past life trauma and healing. Your step astrology reading is interpreted from the degree and placement of your sun, moon, and other key planets and celestial bodies in the houses of your natal chart.

Synthesizing the key elements from both chart systems will give you the most holistic cosmic roadmap to gain clarity, solutions and inspiration in cultivating and navigating your most authentic, abundant, and heart-centered life. 

Are you ready to book Your Divine Blueprint Ready? I Am, Let’s Do This!  ~ Lisa

Divine Blueprint Reading

Quantum Human Design + Step Astrology Natal Chart

Your Reading includes: 

Recording of your Zoom session

Interactive human design chart to explore and learn more about your chart, life & soul purpose themes. 

PDF of your Natal Chart

Choice of 90 min or expanded 120 min reading

Book a Divine Blueprint Reading today – your path to soul discovery awaits!

90 min – $199

120 min – $259

What is Step Astrology & Natal Chart?

Step Astrology is a modern astrology system that combines numerology and sacred geometry. It was created by Astrologer Christopher Witeki, founder of Sirius Joy and is one of the best astrology websites and educational platforms. I have been incorporating his step astrology system into my own life and analyzing natal charts for the last 18 months. His astrology system has helped me understand who I am on a deeper level, why certain areas of my life have been such a struggle while other ares have been easier, and how to manifest and live in harmony with the cosmic energies.

 In your reading, I will look at the placement and step degree of the Sun, Moon, Nodes and each of the planets within the zodiac and the 12 houses. We will explore who you are and what lights you up, your strengths, weaknesses, past lives, hidden gifts, relationship themes and where your soul is heading to reveal more of your life path and soul purpose. Are you ready to get the cosmic view of who you are?

What is Quantum Human Design?

Quantum Human Design is a new, modern, comprehensive form of Astrology and the intersection of quantum physics, energetic wellness and practical spirituality. Quantum Human Design (QHD) is a unique synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, The Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system and quantum physics. Human Design was created by Ra Uru Hu in 1989 and Karen Curry Parker, who studied and practiced this original version of Human Design with Ra Uru Hu as one of his first students, revolutionized the accessibility and practical application of Human Design with her creation of Quantum Human Design. This contemporary and inclusive interpretation enhances the original system, making it more relevant for all. 

I’ve been studying QHD since March of 2023 and have a Level 2 Certification with Karen Curry Parker’s Quantum Human Design School. Just learning the energetic type and strategy for both myself and my husband has been life changing for for us. Incorporating human design with my clients has been instrumental in customizing their healing and coaching programs. I look forward to helping you understand your chart and how to live a more authentic and aligned life. 

Divine Blueprint Reading

Quantum Human Design + Step Astrology Natal Chart

Your Reading includes: 

Recording of your Zoom session

Interactive human design chart to explore and learn more about your chart, life & soul purpose themes. 

PDF of your Natal Chart

Choice of 90 min or expanded 120 min reading

Book a Divine Blueprint Reading today – your path to liberation awaits!

90 min – $199

120 min – $259

Lisa Foresman: Your Divine Blueprint Guide

Lisa Foresman is a Quantum Human Design Specialist, Astrologer and Soul Purpose Coach. Her Human Design Type is 1/3 Alchemist/Generator which confirms her drive, insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm to experiment to create new processes for improved results. Her Step Astrology is 21° Capricorn Sun, 28° Cancer Rising and 9° Virgo Moon which perfectly describes her natural ability and affinity for teaching and manifesting. She loves energy healing, spirituality and human potential. Her passion is helping people tap into their own direct source of inspiration, wisdom and creative energies to live a life that is authentic, harmonious, vital and fulfilling.  Lisa provides an open, loving and safe space to guide her clients in aligning with their own truth, love and compassion while making peace with the past. It is in this co-created space of authenticity that healing and transformation naturally occurs for her clients.