Heal Past Life Trauma: Transform Karma, Recreate Your Future

Do you keep attracting negativity into your life? Do you feel old stuck energy holding you back? Has it been difficult to attract the right partner? Are you just doing a job instead of pursuing your passions? Do you fear change? Ever feel overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, depression or other stress that shuts you down right when things are beginning to move forward? Do you struggle to know your true purpose? Is something holding you back from fulfilling your dreams and goals, but you just can’t quite figure out what that is?

If you answered yes to any or many of these questions, you are not alone. You may have even been doing great work in developing yourself, but something is still not right. As the runway of your life is getting shorter everyday, its time to breakthrough old trauma and karma in order to takeoff and truly enable yourself to manifest peace, prosperity, wellness and abundance.

If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to change, you could be experiencing an energetic negative hangover or karma from past lives that is unresolved. This may have manifested earlier in your life as trauma, abuse, anxiety, depression, emotional pain and isolation. Although it seems bleak at times, the good news is that you created this life in order to consciously deal with the trauma karma, heal yourself, and finally advance your soul into the next level of your spiritual education and development, or be doomed to repeat the same negative experiences over and over again, lifetime after lifetime, dragging all of this heavy baggage with you into the future. 

Heal Past Life Trauma is a four month coaching experience offering a holistic approach to healing your trauma in order to recreate and manifest a brighter future. Learn what past lives are, how to access them, their connection to your chakras and energetic self. As you are gently supported in this program, you’ll explore and finally begin to release what no longer serves you, clear blocked energy to let your soul shine, and prepare the groundwork to properly manifest a future of abundance, peace, wellness and prosperity from a higher vibrational level with more confidence and positive momentum. The Heal Past Life Trauma Program is a transformational journey to help you clear and heal emotional, mental, physical and spiritual patterns that keep you stuck in specific area of your life. In order to move forward, its time to deal with and let go of the past, and transform your wounds into wellness.

Heal Past Life Trauma

Investment: $2222

Payment Plans Available

Heal Past Life Trauma Overview

The Heal Past Life Trauma Coaching Program features:

  • Deep conscious assessment of potential past life karma presenting itself as trauma in your body, family, workplace and relationships.
  • A history of and education into the concept of past lives and the shadow work they represent as unresolved karmic energy.
  • How the karma regenerates as trauma, not completely meaning to hurt you, but rather creating amazing opportunities for resolution and receipt of spiritual gifts awaiting you within your healing journey.
  • The connection between past lives and your energetic design as you learn about 10 specific chakra energy centers  that hold the keys to unlocking your liberty, happiness and freedom.
  • Guided, practical tools you will learn to use to release yourself from negative patterns and behavior.
  • Learn how you can access past lives on your own, as well as participate in 4 separate past life regression experiences personally conducted by your Past Lives Guide Kevin Foresman to reveal karma and heal past life trauma.
  • In between sessions, reflective and introspective homework regarding your work in this program will be detailed and required including but not limited to journaling, processing and contemplation.

If you’re new to Enlumnia or have questions, book a free consulting call via Zoom with Kevin or Lisa

Goals, Opportunities & Outcomes

With Enlumnia Coaching, we coach our clients through personal crisis, relationship issues, career changes, addictive behavior, anxiety, depression, and feeling numb. We help our clients proceed forward into a healing state of calm presence, inner knowing, moving out of a state of stuckness into confidence, focus and self control. Moving from crisis to calm, and learning how to turn our wounds into wisdom, you can begin to create a roadmap that can lead you towards uplifting goals and transformational outcomes, such as:

Releasing judgments and negative self talk

Shifting to a positive mindset

Developing a sense of empowerment

Discovering your true purpose

Uncovering your internal blocks to happiness

Discovering your own spirituality

Start learning how to live an empowered life with customized coaching to keep you on track towards living the life you desire!

Heal Past Life Trauma

Investment: $2222

Payment Plans Available

Your Past Lives Guide

Kevin Foresman is a Reiki Master, Past Life Regression Hypnotist, Mindfulness Meditation Trainer, Master Holographic Sound Healer and Ordained Non-Denominational Minister. Kevin has been practicing the art of in-person and long distance healing for nearly two decades. He is a gifted natural channel of life force energy and spiritual wisdom. At Enlumnia, Kevin is committed to helping you release what no longer serves you, access higher levels of consciousness, health, prosperity and wellness, and manifest the life you truly desire and deserve. 

If you’re new to Enlumnia or have questions, book a free consulting call via Zoom with Kevin

Spiritual Life Coaching for Healing and Personal Transformation

Enlumnia coaching helps you heal, grow and evolve. Spiritual coaching involves adding a spiritual element to the traditional coaching relationship. We guide clients to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting them on their journey to finding their own sense of healing, wholeness and wellness. You can also add additional energy healing to your coaching to further instill the knowledge and course of action gained from the coaching. 

As spiritual coaches, also called a spiritual life coach, we explore with you the deeper connections between ourselves and spirit, or source energy. We help clients gain a new or deeper understanding of the world they live in and the energies that flow within it and around us. Through our work with you, our spiritual life coaching will use conversation, powerful healing tools and coaching methods to support your soul’s journey. We act as spiritual guides to help you unleash self-trust, inner knowing, self confidence and compassion for yourself and others.

By finding energetic balance, making peace with your past, and creating a customized plan of action to move forward, you can experience newfound freedom and tap into manifesting creative energy flow. You can be the source of your own happiness, love, peace, and yes, magic!