Enlumnia Quantum: 5D Holographic Healing, Reconnection & Alignment
Enlumnia Quantum is quantum energy healing originally channeled and developed by Kevin Foresman. The Enlumnia Quantum Energy Healing Technique, or EQ, is a 3D to 5D Holographic Healing utilizing Axiatonal Reconnection, Aura Rejuvenation & 13 Chakra Universal Alignment, EQ uses axiatonal and holographic energetic realignment grounded in ancient healing wisdom. These combined techniques aligns your chakras, body, mind, and spirit with the Ley lines and vibrational energies of the earth, the galactic vibrations of our sun, moon, planets, stars, as well as your inter-dimensional soul self, enabling you to better manifest health, wellness, peace and prosperity into your life.
There are some essential aspects of this process which make Enlumnia Quantum such a unique and thorough energy healing experience. First, we handcraft your treatment according to your own specific energetic signature. By correlating your date, location and time of birth within the algorithms of quantum human design, your astrological natal chart and your gene keys profile, we research your unique energetic interface, how you process life force energy, what your life and soul purpose are, where you tend to get stuck energetically and what potential past life trauma you might be recirculating through in this lifetime. With this information, we have a baseline of who you are energetically and can better adapt our quantum healing process to your specific needs for healing, development and growth.
Enlumnia Quantum
EQ: 90 min – $333
Enlumnia Quantum: Energetic Balancing, Realignment and Activation
Enlumnia Quantum includes 3 types of main healing modalities in one process. EQ incorporates quantum healing, holographic healing and axiatonal healing. Its quantum in that the healing reaches into the most finite pieces of you to ground and calibrate your life force energy. Holographically, if we can help you heal and part of aspect of yourself, that can be translated to any other part of you anywhere in any dimension, space or time. EQ also affects your realignment with your own 3D axis of polarity, the crystalline dimension, chakras and meridians, the Ley lines of Gaia, and out into the galactic energetic bodies seen and unseen which we renew our energetic relationship with and re-catalyze our place in this space.
EQ is a reboot, realignment, recalibration and balancing of our energetic self universally. This results in a feeling of deep calm and focus within our clients. many have expressed relief of old nagging pains or a reduce in the severity. It’s been describes as clearing the slate for a new beginning, and a return to peace and calm. EQ helps rejuvenate your energy, as well ass body, mind and soul. It also helps reset your place inter-dimensionally as well as within ourselves energetically.
Afterwards, we can then go over post treatment detoxing and healing. Clients can take a few moments to journal and get themselves completely back and mindful of the present moment. We’ll also discuss next steps for ongoing support and healing at Enlumnia or our courses at Enlumnia Academy. We’ll always have your info on file to better serve you by helping to analyze your energetic signature and healing needs for future sessions. We can also assist you with spiritual life coaching based upon your authentic self and your life purpose. You’ll also receive a copy of your chart so you can follow along as you heal, learn and transform.
Enlumnia Quantum
EQ: 90 min – $333
Kevin Foresman: Enlumnia Quantum Healing Master
Kevin Foresman is a Quantum Energy Healer, Enlumnia Reiki Master, Past Life Regression Hypnotist, Mindfulness Meditation Trainer, Master Holographic Sound Healer and Ordained Non-Denominational Minister. Kevin has been practicing the art of in-person and long distance healing for nearly two decades. He is a gifted natural channel of life force energy and spiritual wisdom. At Enlumnia, Kevin is committed to helping you release what no longer serves you, access higher levels of consciousness, health, prosperity and wellness, and manifest the life you truly desire and deserve.
Enlumnia Quantum is quantum energy healing originally channeled and developed by Kevin Foresman. Enlumnia Quantum, or EQ, uses axiatonal and holographic energetic realignment grounded in ancient healing wisdom. Enlumnia Healing aligns your chakras ,body, mind, and spirit with the ley lines and vibrational energies of planet Earth, the galactic vibrations of our Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars, as well as your interdimensional soul self, enabling you to better manifest health, wellness, peace and prosperity into your life.