Spiritual Coaching: Energetic Wellness and Life Coaching

Spiritual coaching to help you heal, grow and evolve. Spiritual coaching involves adding a spiritual element to the traditional coaching relationship. We guide clients to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting them on their journey to finding their own sense of healing, wholeness and wellness. You can also add additional energy healing to your coaching to further instill the knowledge and course of action gained from the coaching. 

As spiritual coaches, also called a spiritual life coach, we explore with you the deeper connections between ourselves and spirit, or source energy. We help clients gain a new or deeper understanding of the world they live in and the energies that flow within it and around us. Through our work with you, our spiritual life coaching will use conversation, powerful healing tools and coaching methods to support your soul’s journey. We act as spiritual guides to help you unleash self-trust, inner knowing, self confidence and compassion for yourself and others.

Opportunities for Energetic Spiritual Coaching

Some of our client’s primary issues and opportunities we often coach them through include:

Releasing judgments and negative self talk

Shifting to a positive mindset

Developing a sense of empowerment

Discovering your true purpose

Uncovering your internal blocks to happiness

Discovering your own spirituality

Knowing who you truly are

Learning to listen to your intuition

Healing past wounds

Manifesting what you want in life

Finding appreciation and joy 

Navigating difficult life challenges

If any of these situations resonate with you, then you are probably a perfect candidate for spiritual life coaching. So why deny yourself freedom, healing and liberation any longer.

Enlumnia Coaching Programs

Empowered Living

Empowered Living is a transformational journey to help you clear and heal old stories, limiting beliefs, emotional, mental and physical patterns in a specific area of your life. Whether you are dealing with challenges in relationships, divorce, career path, health, wealth or at crossroads of any kind, this 6 session journey will transform and elevate your energetic foundation to create and navigate life from your highest heart-centered consciousness for empowered living.

The journey includes a Divine Blueprint Natal chart reading, two 90 minute healing/coaching sessions and three 60 minute Zoom coaching sessions over the course of 6-8 weeks. The healing sessions include a customized combination of any of these services: chakra assessments, reiki, chakra balancing, sound healing, reiki massage, breath work, and guided meditations. Weekly homework will be assigned to help you initiate change with action. By the end of this healing journey you will feel empowered and at peace and have the essential mind/body tools needed to continue building your life from a place of harmony, confidence and authenticity.

Investment: $1399

Heal Past Life Trauma

  • Deep conscious assessment of potential past life karma presenting itself as trauma in your body, family, workplace and relationships.
  • A history of and education into the concept of past lives and the shadow work they represent as unresolved karmic energy.
  • How the karma regenerates as trauma, not completely meaning to hurt you, but rather creating amazing opportunities for resolution and receipt of spiritual gifts awaiting you within your healing journey.
  • The connection between past lives and your energetic design as you learn about 10 specific chakra energy centers  that hold the keys to unlocking your liberty, happiness and freedom.
  • Guided, practical tools you will learn to use to release yourself from negative patterns and behavior.
  • Learn how you can access past lives on your own, as well as participate in 4 separate past life regression experiences personally conducted by your Past Lives Guide Kevin Foresman to reveal karma and heal past life trauma.
  • In between sessions, reflective and introspective homework regarding your work in this program will be detailed and required including but not limited to journaling, processing and contemplation.

Investment: $1199

Reinventing Yourself

Reinventing Yourself: Transform Wounds Into Wisdom is an 8 week transformative hybrid course guiding you to reinvent yourself.  Find and release trapped emotions that hold us back and desire to be heard, and learning to feel energy and heal with Reiki. This course is designed to empower you to heal emotional wounds, release energetic blockages, and align with your true essence to manifest the life you desire. Through a combination of self-reflection, experiential exercises, and hands-on healing techniques, you will gain the tools and insights needed to create a life filled with purpose, abundance, and joy.

Module 1: Discover Your Unique Quantum Human Design

Module 2: Release Trapped Emotions and Unconscious Negative Behavior

Module 3: Learn How to Self Heal, Live Mindfully and Stay Grounded

Module4: Wounds Transformed into Wisdom – Manifest The New You

Investment: $1399

Embody Your Divine Design with Lisa Foresman

Embody Your Divine Design is a sacred and transformational healing journey to discover your unique divine blueprint. We will travel through the seven levels of your embodied spirit, the 7 main chakra system, along with the specific gates and channels that are unique to your human design to activate your body’s inner healer and reveal your unique soul gifts and divine expression.

This journey will help you clear and heal old stories, limiting beliefs, emotional, mental and physical patterns that keep you from living your best life. You will write a new story, the one you were born to live, that is aligned to your soul’s purpose and your heart’s deepest desire.

By the end of this healing journey you will know the basics of your human design and how to manage, care for and express your creative physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies in relationship to the outside world and the cycles of cosmic energies. You will be living and creating your most authentic life with confidence, harmony and with your heart joyfully open. I am excited to embark on this incredible journey of a lifetime with you!


1 – Natal Chart/ Divine Blueprint Reading (90 min)

8 – Coaching Sessions via Zoom (60 min each)
Chakra Ebook
Weekly Chakra Assessments
Weekly Homework

8 – Customized Healing/Coaching Sessions (90 min each):
Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Sound Healing, Reiki Massage, Breathwork, Guided Meditations, Tarot Oracle Readings

1 – Divine Blueprint Light Code Activation

Investment: $3600

Payment plans available at checkout

Our Energetic Wellness Coaches: Kevin & Lisa Foresman

Kevin Foresman is a Reiki Master, Past Life Regression Hypnotist, Mindfulness Meditation Trainer, Master Holographic Sound Healer and Ordained Non-Denominational Minister. Kevin has been practicing the art of in-person and long distance healing for nearly two decades. He is a gifted natural channel of life force energy and spiritual wisdom. At Enlumnia, Kevin is committed to helping you release what no longer serves you, access higher levels of consciousness, health, prosperity and wellness, and manifest the life you truly desire and deserve.

Lisa Foresman is a Reiki Master, Licensed Massage Therapist, Sound Healer, Spiritual Life Coach and Teacher. She believes that the healer is within each individual person and that the most important journey in this lifetime is the deep knowing and care of one’s own body, mind and spirit. At Enlumnia, her commitment is to support and guide you in your healing and spiritual growth so you can live your heart’s highest truth by embodying peace, love, joy and wisdom.